
Oh my goodness, today has been awful. After feeling I have been rejected by nearly every single human being on the planet I came home to a growling stomach which I did not feed. I am not hungry at all! I need to keep losing weight though!! Ah well. 

My chest hurts so badly,  and my back, and I have had a migraine. When will it stop!?!? 

My friends were great, well all apart from one who was more interested in her love life.  Thank you very much. 

I was so awful today, I missed a bit of chemistry! I had already done the work though and I knew everything in the lesson so all is good but it is just I have never done that 😦 I will apologise tomorrow for sure. 

This whole sixth form dress code thing is so exhausting!! I have to chose an outfit which goes with all of the requirements every night!!!! 

My diet today has been tea and nothing else. Maybe that’s why my hair is falling out quickly, or is it the stress??? I don’t know. 

I wonder if people will notice what is on my hand tomorrow!! 

Night guys 


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